Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paper Cutting, a new interest

Hye hooo~

So, I started cutting my paper, well, hacking away actually. It looks so simple when I did my research ( youtube videos, blogs…) but OHMYGOD, it is NOT simple. Not simple at all! I nearly cut myself a few times there!

Anyway, after numerous tries and errors, (not to mention, a couple of paper hacking later) I’ve gotten to this stage! :D

This was not easy to do, took me a while to get the whole head right. Well, it looks fine up to here right?

Went through a great deal to come up with a design for the dominant piece.

I had originally wanted to make a little girl standing and looking towards the sky and tiny loves were floating above her. But try and try as I may, I couldn’t get it right, at the end, 
I remember doing those silly silhouettes in our little notebooks back in my schooling days *ahem* and had proceed to 
 do my own research and found a silhouette of a girl sitting down and looking into the sky, I then decided to use it and redrew it by myself, so credits to the owner! :D

And this, dear people, I did this last night at 2am, I was frustrated because I made the same mistake over and over again. Not to mention, wasting paper D: So, I temporarily gave up on my work, and started doing a funny one, and I did an angry robot, because I felt like a robot at the time, an angry
one at that! D: so tee hee. THERE YOU GO J

what do you think? :D

Anyway, I’m not done yet, I still need to mount it on the mounting board and I'm still contemplating whether I should add more stuff or whatnot.

[*ahem* Personally, I think it looks fine as it is. *ahem*] 

let’s just see what’s the final outcome on the next post J

Tingling with excitement yet?

I am J


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