Thursday, September 06, 2012

Latest News: CAPFe Industry releases still photos of current project...

GOOD MORNING fellow Earthlings, and, if you are reading this, ALIENS :)

Remember the activity of taking the photos, where mine is Landscape? I've completed my video :D

Its rather long though xD haha but well. A for efforts i guess? HAHA XD

Anyhoo, i think its probably time to tell you our furniture project huh? hahaha Well, let me just reminisce to the weekends..

Umbrella Holder
-CAPFe Industry-


CAPFe had met at Ikano Power Center, to shop shop shop! Shop for materials at Ace Hardware store that is. To be honest, with all the junk we got there, the final price was pretty decent. Well, at least, thats what i think.

We later then went to Aina's place to start building :D

i must say i was really REALLY demotivated to start working because of our former idea had to be put aside as it was rather risky to go on with the plan (with the plan of breaking the glass screen, wiring and whatnot).

But, you know, after laying everything out and throwing ideas on how to make the project work, i gradually got excited. :)

How it all started, 
  • 3 table legs which Aina had lying around at her place
  • CD plactic racks.

After numerous trials and errors we finally had a stable idea and design on how our project is going to come out as!

So anyway, i was playing around with the CD racks and putting the racks against the empty space (walls) of the soon-to-be umbrella holder, and everyone just simultaneously clicked and got an idea to unscrew them and place the racks on top of one another to make a sorta cylinder shape container.

Men of the group got the job of unscrewing the racks. GO HOI JUN! GO K! :D

While the men worked on unscrewing, the girls , (me, Zue, Aina and Rosey [ Thankyou for helping us Rosey, she's in a different group xD] got ourselves busy as well.

Me and Zue embracing our maternal instincts.
cleaning the racks before spray painting.

Me, spray painting the racks red.

Zue's turn to spray paint!
The hooks are gold :)

spray painting the decorations, the likes of screws, nutbolts,
small garden hose metal thingy at the front.

Dry my pretty babies. DRY.
We all had a go at spray painting. tralala

Me, having my turn at spray painting the bar GOLD.

After all the spray painting and letting it dry overnight.

The next day, me and Li Wei (who couldnt come to the first day) went to Aina's place to continue on our piece. Though it was just the 3 of us, (me, Li Wei, Aina) we worked hard and well together to go forth with the project doing.

And the nearly-the-final-product is better than what i expected.

Me and Li Wei in that proud mama mode :D

Of course we are still going for that steampunk look, though the whole Ironman look is awesome as it is ;) Oh Tony :D

I personally cant wait to let the others and Ms Lisa to see what we've done :D

Byebye :D

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