Thursday, September 20, 2012

Introduction to Paper Cutting

After our grids presentation (18th Sept 2012), Ms Lisa taught us the correct way of using the cutter/blade.

Then, a few slides on The Art of Paper Cutting were displayed, and we were introduced to the delicate art. I never knew paper cutting was such a historical form of art that has evolved uniquely all over the world to adopt to different cultural styles. Awesome.

Ms Lisa had then proceeded to show us a few photos of some of the most creative paper cutting artwork I have ever seen. Of course, we got a new assignment and YES, its PAPER CUTTING!

I’ve already thought of a design I’d do for the assignment!
So, as of now, I am both excited and worried at the same time!

That’s it for now, as I am rather in a hurry, I’ll post about my progress soon!


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