Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A brochure in an hour. *updated

Good Morning all!

On  August 24th,  2012 , Ms Lisa had given us an in-class activity where we are tested  our knowledge of the GRID SYSTEM!  So, we were instructed to pair up and were given an hour to come up with a brochure with a topic of our choice, a good layout grid,  color palette , related images, and articles/body copy.

Well, me and kush (http://taylorspodkushhkush.blogspot.com ) had teamed up and started brain storming ideas for our brochure. 

We walked around campus trying to let get an inspiration. We even took our time to take a few flyers from the people promoting at the commercial block and also around the Student Life Center. After 15minutes of touring the campus, we came to a conclusion of using Muay Thai as our topic, (with help from the flyers the Muay Thai promoters were giving out).

We had determined red, orange, and yellow as the color palette for our brochure, as it gives that “bring it on”, challenging mood to the whole brochure.

After that short 1 hour, we were told to step up and present our brochure to the rest of the class

And apparently, Kush’s name was at the top of the namelist. *sigh *facepalm* So step up we did! And this is our brochure.

DON’T MIND THE “DUEL” MESS, it inked through.


Unavoidable mishap L

Well, we’ll perform better on the next activity!

Well, that’s it from me for now, We’ll be having our paper cut out presentation later in the day! So I’ll be posting a new blog soon enough! Be patient fellow people! :D


had our presentation. I swear, everyone's paper cutting was awesome. THUMBS UP TO EVERYONE :D I have come to realise that everyone is getting better at realising the improvements needed in one another's art work. So that shows we are progressing as designers :D YAY US :D tralalalalalalala.