Monday, October 01, 2012

Colours and fonts, amazing things they are. *updated

Hye hooooooo J

So today, we learnt about COLOURS J TRALALALALALALALA.

Anyway, we were basically introduced to the different meanings/ mood each colours apply.

We were also informed on how fonts play an important role in getting the right emotions across to the audience. For example, the font I’ve chose now, I chose this font because I want to express how thoroughly excited I am for this topic. Because well, colour choice is a big part of designing and what not. Its everything and everywhere. Cant escape them J

After getting to know each of them, we were given our first individual assignment on the topic, which is to find a word that, in our point of view, perfectly associates the colours, and to find a font that compliments them.

Black is, what else besides classy?
Blue is usually Calm and Loyalty
Purple can be associated with sophisticated, royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mysterious, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, and mourning.
Red symbolizes strong emotions such as anger, passion, or lust
Grey defines intellectual, boring, maturity
Pink is often paired with femininity, purity and childlike innocence.
Brown applies to earth, hearth, comfort, simplicity
White can also represent reverence, purity, simplicity, peach, humility, youth, winter, snow, good, cold, clinical, and sterile.


That's it for now! Till next time,
Lisa Izhar :) 

*updates, for the presentation, i got one of the highest scores :') ttralallalalalalallal <3

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