Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Batik Display


So today, we finally got to see our batik! and honestly


Lisa, Ajiem, Sam, Denny
Zach, Doreen, SongDa, Eevon

Aliya, Aliff, Jun, Kush

Ilona, Hussein, Andew, Priya

Lina, Hoi Jun, Audrey, Zach
Ashley, Nelson, Evelyn, Clarin


All in all, it was an incredible experience to get to do some Batik with my mates. Truly an amazing time.  What i learn from this batik project is,

as always

Composition is key.

And Ms Lisa gave us a good advice today.

Always be proud of your work, even if it didn’t exactly turn out the way you want it too. Be proud of the outcome of your hard work. Think about the composition, about how you would be displaying it, your workspace. Keep your workspace clean. Otherwise, Everyone is going to think that you are not proud of your work. I mean if you were to display it so shabby looking. What would your lecturer or other people think?”

And of course, my beloved FID mates

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