Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello! Today our dear, Ms Lisa gave us a task to make a self portrait using "trash" or natural items that we can find around campus. Of course that was LOADS of fun. Anyway, i made my self portrait, and as embarrassing as it is, i put  A LOT of effort into creating this portrait. ( Don't mind my left ear being in the shot -.- )

First, i used rolled tissues and coloured it using black marker to make hair to show that i have thick hair. I pasted a flower just for decoration. because i like flowers. And nature. Actually, to be honest., i don't really dislike anything. Hahaha. Besides that, i used different sized dried leaves to make my eyes. Why i used different sizes? SIMPLE, i have slightly slanted Chinese eyes. I also used a leaf as a top because, i found the leaf lying around in the class, so i just pasted that sucker on my paper and then proceed to draw on some jeans and red sneakers. because i absolutely LOVE my red converse sneakers :D And also, I asked a friend to help me draw on some hands, its in those peace signs that most people do in their photos. Well actually, a few have pointed out that  i have this habit of displaying those peace signs from time to time. Haha.

Anyway, I'll have to do a better job in all the assignments and tasks Ms Lisa will give us in the future. That's a promise :)


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